The Corroding has arrived.
The Corroding
There's darkness sweeping over all of us. Something sinister—undoubtedly there, but not quite prominent enough to put our collective finger on. The haunted and unusual have become commonplace, arriving within a newfound shadow that blankets the countryside in every direction. As time distorts, all that we are corrodes within its malevolent grasp. It’s escalating. It’s violent.
The Reviews Are In:
“A complex, cinematic, engrossing horror novel with thrills and chills galore.” - Read the full review from Kirkus Reviews (starred review) >
“Tracey’s novel powerfully blends the Wellsian and the Lovecraftian into a unique and engaging web of action and terror, an intellectual horror story in the vein of sweeping, philosophical classics like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Night of the Living Dead, It, The Mothman Prophecies, At the Mountains of Madness, The Stand, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Arrival, and The War of the Worlds.
Its refreshingly unapologetic humanism balances out its brutal terror, causing it to both provide a fair critique of human depravity as well as a loving pean to humanity’s value and potential. It is thrilling and dramatic and beautiful.”
Read full review from M. Grant Kellermeyer, Old Styletales Press >
“Combining elements of murder mystery, body horror, and near-future apocalyptic scenarios, Ty Tracey's THE CORRODING is a haunting, terrifying indictment of humanity in the technological age.”
Rating 4.6 out of 5 - Read full review from IndieReader >
“It has been some time since I read Stephen King and I may go back to visiting the unabridged copy of The Stand after reading your book. This is what I wanted to relay to you. I think this book is equal to and even surpasses Stephen King's writing.”
- Early Reader Review of The Corroding
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